Welcome to the Playground!


Computer playgrounds may not have swing sets, but they can still be lots of fun!
Below are some suggested links to other web sites. Just click on the name to go there.
Happy exploring!!!

last updated: 4-9-00

New Sights:

BookSpot - page devoted to award winning and favorite children's books
Discovery Online - online source for the Discovery Channel
Kids' Space - kids can submit their own art, music and drawings to be posted on this sight
LEGO Worlds - fun for all the Lego-maniacs out there
Sesame Street Central - online games, interactive storybook, and coloring pages of your favorite muppets
Winnie-The-Pooh - wonderful sight featuring interactive games and more

For The Young:

Australian A to Z Animal Archive - learn about many unusual creatures from "down under"
Brain Teasers - puzzling problems for grades 3 and up
Arthur - fun with D.W., Buster, and everyone's favorite aardvark
The Official Eric Carle web site - author of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and many others
Flashcards for Kids - kids can practice math skills right on the 'net
Giraffe Cam - video set up to watch giraffes at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado
The Giving Tree - read the famous story by Shel Silverstein
Interactive Model Train - you can control a model train at the University of Ulm in Germany
KidsCom - at this site kids are able to find on-line pen pals, and have lots of other fun
A Light in the Attic - several poems from the Shel Silverstein book
On Air Concert - listen to musical performances from children all over the world
Online Children's Stories - classic literature that can be read on-line
Seussville - a great site for anyone who loves to read Dr. Seuss - and if that's not enough . . .
Seuss sites - a collection of several places to find Dr. Seuss on-line
SIKids    -the children's version of Sports Illustrated magazine on the web
Where the Sidewalk Ends - another collection of poems from "Uncle Shelby"

For Kids of All Ages:

Coloring Pages -This site has dozens of different coloring pages that can be printed off and colored.
Bill Nye - The Science Guy - two words:  "Science Rules!"
Metropolitan Museum of Art - expand your mind with art
Oakland Zoo - learn more about your favorite animals at the "Animals A to Z" site
PBS On-Line -
Planetary Globe Icosahedrons - The name may be confusing, but you can print out and make
                                                    3D models of a variety of planets!
Pooh Pictures - print and color pictures of your favorite bear
SouthEast Asia -The Virtual Tour - tour S.E.Asia with a middle school teacher as your guide

For Teachers:

Ancient Egypt - dozens of links for teachers preparing units on Egypt
Ancient Romeeven more links for teachers in search of info. on Rome
The Flat Stanley Project - invite Flat Stanley to your place for a visit
Free Worksheets - need the materials to review something with your class?
Internet Resources on SouthEast Asia for teachers - the name says it all
Online Sign Language Dictionary -look up how to sign words with video demonstrations
Puzzlemaker - make your own crosswords, word searches and more
Teachers.Net - A teacher in need of support?  -check here
Today in History - anything important happen on this day 137 years ago?  Find out here!
WebKAT - a link to dozens of other web sites made by teachers

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