Flat Stanley
1999 - 2000


The first year that my class sent out a Flat Stanley
we thought BIG. 

Our Flat Stanley was the size of a 1st grader 
and we sent him out many times over the year.


Visit any of these places with the life sized Stanley:

Pine Island, Florida New Orleans, Louisiana Chicago, Illinois Galesburg, Illinois
Phoenix, Arizona Nashville, Tennessee Boston, Massachusetts Laughlin, Nevada

At the end of the school year,
our Stanley went off with a parent
who happened to be a truck driver. 

This Stanley never returned.

If you're out on the road 
and find a paper boy driving a semi, 
let me know how he's doing.


Check on Stanley's travels for these school years:

2000 - 2001
2001 - 2002


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Online Classroom 
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