Phoenix, Arizona


Phoenix is the capital of Arizona.
Phoenix is in the desert and in the summers can get quite hot.
Because of the heat, only the downtown area has buildings more than a story or two high.

Mining has been one of Arizona's most important industries.
Copper mining has been especially important.
While at the mining museum,
Stanley decided to sit in an old mining car
and pretend to be a miner.

Flat Stanley also saw this piece of petrified wood
at the mining museum.
That means this piece of wood has turned to stone
over thousands of years!

Phoenix is surrounded by mountains. 
While visiting the mountains to the south of Phoenix,
Stanley saw lots of desert plant life, 
like this Palo Verde bush.

Stanley also saw many saguaro cacti.
This cactus is very old. It takes almost 100 years before a saguaro will begin to grow 'arms.'
A saguaro cactus can also weigh thousands of pounds because of the water that is stored inside of one!!

Here we see Stanley at a canal.
The canal system in Phoenix was created
by Native Americans many years ago,
bringing water from the mountains 
to help grow crops. 

Flat Stanley's last stop in Phoenix was the capitol building.
The dome on top of the building is made of copper.

While there, Stanley met a friend of his --
Flat Stacey, who had come from Kirksville, Missouri 
to see Phoenix!


After such a busy day,
Stanley needed to head for home and rest.
To learn more about the Phoenix area,
plan to make a visit sometime.

Pine Island, Florida New Orleans, Louisiana Chicago, Illinois Galesburg, Illinois
Phoenix, Arizona Nashville, Tennessee Boston, Massachusetts Laughlin, Nevada


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