Chicago, Illinois

 Stanley's very first visit anywhere
was to Chicago. 
Chicago is in the northern most part of
Illinois and is known as "The Windy City." 
This nickname is due to the winds 
that blow into town from Lake Michigan. 
While in Chicago, Flat Stanley made sure
to stop and see Lake Michigan.

There are quite a few exciting things to see in Chicago. 
Wrigley Field -  home of the Chicago Cubs,
The Museum of Science and Industry,
and the Art Institute (seen here), 
which is home to many famed paintings.

Here we see Stanley, along with his friend Andrea 
outside of the Amtrak Train Station. 
When you come out of the train station, 
you are right in the middle of all the skyscrapers downtown.

All in all, 
Flat Stanley had a great time seeing 
all the sights in Chicago.
Check them out for yourself 
if you ever get the chance!

Pine Island, Florida New Orleans, Louisiana Chicago, Illinois Galesburg, Illinois
Phoenix, Arizona Nashville, Tennessee Boston, Massachusetts Laughlin, Nevada


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